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TCM Quizzes & Exams Bootcamp

Streamline your studies and pass your exams, the first time around!

Need to know

What will I learn?

You will learn what the gaps in your TCM knowledge are through large amounts of quizzing and examinations.

Who is this course for?

TCM / Acupuncture students looking to pass their board exams. If you have joined the RAc or RTCMP Bootcamp bundles, you do NOT need this course as it is included within those courses.

Course length and access (start & watch when you want)

17 hours of study materials (quizzes & exams)
10-months access and free extensions until your board exams are behind you.

Lesson plan


Section I: Foundations & Diagnosis

  1. TCM Foundations
  2. Tongue & Pulse
  3. Jing Luo Case Studies
  4. Ben & Biao Case Study
  5. TCM Diagnosis

Section II: Acupuncture Points, Channels & Techniques

  1. Acupuncture Point Flashcards
  2. Acupuncture Points & Meridians
  3. Auricular Acupuncture
  4. Scalp Acupuncture
  5. Acupuncture Techniques

Section III: Clinical Case Studies

  1. 15 Practice Cases with 45 Multiple Choice Questions and Video Answer Keys
  2. Case Studies

Section IV: Practice Examinations — Multiple Choice

  1. Practice Exam: If you can pass this exam, you can pass your board exam #1
  2. Practice Exam: If you can pass this exam, you can pass your board exam #2
  3. Practice Exam: If you can pass this exam, you can pass your board exam #3
  4. Practice Exam: If you can pass this exam, you can pass your board exam #4
  5. Practice Exam: If you can pass this exam, you can pass your board exam #5

Section V: Practice Examinations — Clinical Case Studies

  1. Practice Exam: Clinical Case Studies #1
  2. Practice Exam: Clinical Case Studies #2
  3. Practice Exam: Clinical Case Studies #3
  4. Practice Exam: Clinical Case Studies #4
  5. Practice Exam: Clinical Case Studies #5
  6. Practice Exam: Clinical Case Studies #6
  7. Practice Exam: Clinical Case Studies #7


Biomedicine curriculum

  1. Biomedicine Practice Exam #1
  2. Biomedicine Practice Exam #2

TCM Herbal Medicine

Section I – Introductory Herbal Theory

  1. Chinese Herbal Theory
  2. Preparing Chinese Herbal Medicine
  3. Dosages, Cautions, and Contraindications 

Section II – Chinese Materia Medica

  1. Herbs which release the Exterior 
  2. Herbs which clear Heat 
  3. Herbs which drain downward 
  4. Herbs which dispel Wind-Dampness
  5. Herbs which aromatically transform dampness
  6. Herbs which drain Damp and promote urination
  7. Herbs which warm the Interior
  8. Herbs which regulate Qi
  9. Herbs which promote digestion
  10. Herbs which Eliminate Parasites
  11. Herbs which stop bleeding
  12. Herbs which move Blood to remove Blood Stasis
  13. Herbs which treat cough, asthma, and Phlegm
  14. Herbs which anchor and calm the spirit
  15. Herbs which calm Liver Yang and Wind
  16. Herbs which open the orifices
  17. Herbs which tonify Qi & Yang
  18. Herbs which astringe
  19. Herbs for External use

Section III – Chinese Herbal Formulas

  1. Formulas which release the Exterior
  2. Formulas which drain downward
  3. Formulas which harmonize
  4. Formulas which clear Heat
  5. Formulas which dispel Summer-Heat
  6. Formulas which warm the Interior
  7. Formulas which relieve Exterior-Interior
  8. Formulas which tonify
  9. Formulas which calm the spirit
  10. Formulas which astringe
  11. Formulas which regulate Qi
  12. Formulas which regulate Blood
  13. Formulas which expel Wind
  14. Formulas which treat Dryness
  15. Formulas which eliminate Dampness
  16. Formulas which dispel Phlegm
  17. Formulas which reduce Food Stagnation
  18. Formulas which expel parasites
  19. Formulas which treat abscess and sores

Section IV – Chinese Herbal Pairs

  1. Herbals pairs which release the Exterior
  2. Herbal pairs which clear Heat
  3. Herbal pairs which purge downward
  4. Herbal pairs which resolve Dampness
  5. Herbal pairs which stop pain
  6. Herbal pairs which stop coughing and resolve Phlegm
  7. Herbal pairs which descend Stomach Qi
  8. Herbal pairs which harmonize
  9. Herbal pairs which move Qi to relieve pain 
  10. Herbal pairs which regulate Blood
  11. Herbal pairs which tonify
  12. Herbal pairs which syringe
  13. Herbal pairs which calm the spirit
  14. Herbal pairs which calm Liver Yang and Wind
  15. Dui Yao Herbal Pairs

Section V – Herbal Practice Examinations – Multiple Choice

  1. Practice Exam: If you can pass this exam, you can pass your board exam #1

Section VI – Herbal Practice Examinations – Clinical Case Studies

  1. Clinical Case Studies #1


Jurisprudence curriculum

  1. Jurisprudence

Enroll Today

TCM Quizzes & Exams Bootcamp

Pass Your Pan-Canadian Board Exams

What you will get:
  • Quiz questions on all main Acupuncture and TCM Herbal subjects
  • Full-length Acupuncture and TCM Herbal practice exams, timed to your board exams
  • Answer explanations for many of your quizzes
  • Acupuncture points flashcards

*This Bootcamp is included (interspersed for optimal study) when purchasing either the RAc or RTCMP Bootcamp bundles, which also offer a number of other extras & bonuses!

$149 CAD
  • 10-month access
    to materials
  • Free extensions until your
    exams are behind you
  • 100% secure

Meet your instructors

Three expert instructors have strategically hand crafted over 2000 quiz and exam questions to help you find the study areas that you need to focus on most.

What do you get with the program?

  • 17 hours of quizzes and exams

  • Over 2000 quizzes and exam questions in the exact same format of your board exams.

Over 2000 Acupuncture and TCM Herbal quizzes and exam questions in the exact same format of your board exams. Find your weaker areas with quizzing so that you can define your study focus.

If you have joined the RAc or RTCMP Bootcamp bundles, you do NOT need this course as it is included within those courses.

Quiz yourself in:

  1. Foundations & Diagnosis
  2. Acupuncture Points, Channels & Techniques
  3. Clinical Case Studies
  4. Full Acupuncture Practice Examinations — Multiple Choice
  5. Full Acupuncture Practice Examinations — Clinical Case Studies
  6. Biomedicine Practice Exams
  7. Introductory Herbal Theory, Preparations, Dosages, Cautions
  8. Chinese Materia Medica
  9. Chinese Herbal Formulas
  10. Chinese Herbal Pairs
  11. Full Herbal Practice Examinations – Multiple Choice
  12. Full Herbal Practice Examinations – Clinical Case Studies
  13. Jurisprudence

Quiz yourself on every subject that you need to know for your exams, and find your weaker areas that will require more focus!

Sign up now to pass your board exams, the first time around.

Enroll today

Enroll Today

TCM Quizzes & Exams Bootcamp

Pass Your Pan-Canadian Board Exams

What you will get:
  • Quiz questions on all main Acupuncture and TCM Herbal subjects
  • Full-length Acupuncture and TCM Herbal practice exams, timed to your board exams
  • Answer explanations for many of your quizzes
  • Acupuncture points flashcards

*This Bootcamp is included (interspersed for optimal study) when purchasing either the RAc or RTCMP Bootcamp bundles, which also offer a number of other extras & bonuses!

$149 CAD
  • 10-month access
    to materials
  • Free extensions until your
    exams are behind you
  • 100% secure

What our students are saying…

“Amazing! Every piece of information and material was helpful and encouraging. It helped keep me grounded in my work and my schedule.”

“A friend suggested I join this course. It was wonderful, very helpful, motivating, and I especially found the case studies useful.”

“Former students said they would not have passed without taking this course. I 100% agree.”

  • “Amazing! Every piece of information and material was helpful and encouraging. It helped keep me grounded in my work and my schedule.”

  • “A friend suggested I join this course. It was wonderful, very helpful, motivating, and I especially found the case studies useful.”

  • “Former students said they would not have passed without taking this course. I 100% agree.”

Study your materials. Quiz. Re-study your weaker areas. Pass your exams.

Enroll today