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Practice the exact stations of your Modalities & Points board exam, in a step-by-step format, until you can do them in your sleep!
Learn how to perform each of your practical stations in a video step-by-step format, and then practice them to the exact length of your exam.
Alberta and Newfoundland students looking to pass their practical exams.
1.5 hours of self-paced video lessons + 8.5 hours of practice time
10-months access and free extensions until your board exams are behind you.
Closed captioning available for all videos
Practical Exam Preparation
Learn from an instructor and Acupuncturist who was trained by the Alberta examiners to teach this program in the format that they are looking for.
Read BioGillian Marsollier has been a Registered Acupuncturist in British Columbia since 2001, and an instructor of acupuncture for more than 15 years. After completing a 4-year Masters Program in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, she began her teaching career in Newfoundland. There she wrote the bulk of the curriculum for a 3-year acupuncture program and served as the Acupuncture Program Director. Gillian was then transferred to Halifax, where she successfully gained approval by the Board of Education in Nova Scotia for an acupuncture program. In addition to teaching, she practiced at a very successful multi-faceted alternative treatment centre while residing on the East Coast. In 2008 Gillian went to Nepal to teach acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities at a medical facility. They are still using the modalities to this day to treat the locals from the Himalayan hills. For the last 5 years, Gillian has been pursuing the media side of acupuncture and natural healing through the creation of LIFT Education Academy. Through this online education platform, she has created many popular courses including bootcamps that have become the national gold standard for preparation for TCM registration exams.
1.5 hours of self-paced videos + 8.5 hours of practice time
Exact practical station scripts to memorize for exam day
Point location practice sheets and exam
Master the Modalities & Points portion of your exam.
*This is course is only $49 CAD when purchased with either the RAc or RTCMP Bootcamp program. Remember, this course is for Alberta and Newfoundland students only!
This online course consists of video after video that takes you through each station of the practical exam in great detail. By watching the videos, you will learn exactly what the examiners are looking for.
Each video is highly informative and designed to be watched repeatedly, or until you are comfortable with the material. Even though it is only 1.5 hours of video, this course will take you about 10 hours to properly complete, including your practice time.
This course includes:
This Bootcamp will help take away the stress and anxiety of the unknown with this exam, and it will give you confidence to know that you aren’t missing any critical steps.
Master the Modalities & Points portion of your exam.
*This is course is only $49 CAD when purchased with either the RAc or RTCMP Bootcamp program. Remember, this course is for Alberta and Newfoundland students only!
This online course consists of video after video that takes you through each station of the practical exam in great detail. By watching the videos, you will learn exactly what the examiners are looking for.
Each video is highly informative and designed to be watched repeatedly, or until you are comfortable with the material. Even though it is only 1.5 hours of video, this course will take you about 10 hours to properly complete, including your practice time.
This course includes:
This Bootcamp will help take away the stress and anxiety of the unknown with this exam, and it will give you confidence to know that you aren’t missing any critical steps.
Sign up now to pass your board exams, the first time around.
Enroll todayPractical Exam Preparation
“Awesome, thanks so much. This is very organized as I wouldn’t know where to start from—4 years’ worth of notes is a lot. This is nice and compact. Straightforward.“
“Great Bootcamp, love Gillian’s teachings. Nice to have a guideline for what to study—it would have been easy to miss sections if it wasn’t laid out how it was.”
“Beyond my expectations, the course directly addresses the types of practical concerns for someone taking the exams and gives step by step instructions of what you need to know, do and watch out for, what to say, have with you, even your appearance and manner.“
“Learned so much and feel more prepared for the practical. Precise and straight forward. Really like how organized the content is and that there are practice tests and videos that depict exactly what to do and what to expect for the exam.”
“The course was very practical in helping prepare for the Alberta licensing exams. She gave useful tips and tricks for excelling.”
“The videos and the full station / clean needle technique scripts were SO useful.”
“Awesome, thanks so much. This is very organized as I wouldn’t know where to start from—4 years’ worth of notes is a lot. This is nice and compact. Straightforward.“
“Great Bootcamp, love Gillian’s teachings. Nice to have a guideline for what to study—it would have been easy to miss sections if it wasn’t laid out how it was.”
“Beyond my expectations, the course directly addresses the types of practical concerns for someone taking the exams and gives step by step instructions of what you need to know, do and watch out for, what to say, have with you, even your appearance and manner.“
“Learned so much and feel more prepared for the practical. Precise and straight forward. Really like how organized the content is and that there are practice tests and videos that depict exactly what to do and what to expect for the exam.”
“The course was very practical in helping prepare for the Alberta licensing exams. She gave useful tips and tricks for excelling.”
“The videos and the full station / clean needle technique scripts were SO useful.”