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Reply To: Herbal Therapeutics

Home Forums Online Herbalism Programs Herbal Therapeutics Reply To: Herbal Therapeutics


Deb, you’re certainly on the right track here! I don’t have personal experience with working with poison ivy but I’ll provide my thoughts on your herb ideas.

Overall, I see you’ve got a lot going on and I suggest that you simplify your approach so that you can have a better idea of what’s working. Though, I know you posted this a few days ago and you have probably already been working with some of these remedies.

For your topical application, I’d be cautious about using the essential oils, especially the cinnamon. Essential oils are generally very hot on the skin and have the potential to irritate. I’d focus more on cooling and soothing the area. I’d avoid the turmeric application.

Your compress idea sounds good but I would swap out the rosemary (which is hot and stimulating) for calendula. The aloe following this application sounds like a good call.

Your tea blend sounds great. I’m feeling like the rosemary could be removed in this formula as well.

for your internal formula, echinacea will be great as it is immunomodulatory. Cleavers is best taken as an infusion with the fresh plant so if you have access to that, make some tea or add it to some soup or broth. Fresh red clover could be used this way too – both of these herbs will act as alteratives/depuratives. If you don’t have access to these, You could add some burdock to your tincture blend to work in this herbal action.

I hope you’re feeling relieved with whatever you’ve ended up doing! Please report back to share your findings.

I hope my suggestions are helpful! 🙂