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Reply To: General questions

Home Forums Online Herbalism Programs General questions Reply To: General questions


Hi Brianna,

Keep us updated on your process and findings with the insurance company.

For tincturing mushrooms, you generally want to go a dual-extraction which includes tincturing (in alcohol) and a decoction. Seraphina covers this in her medicine making class. As far as I understand, glycerine won’t result in the same potency of medicine when used in place of alcohol. However, you could add glycerine to your final product, or include a glycerine extract mixed with your water and alcohol extractions. This would make it more palpable. Remember, you’re going to need the preparation to be at least 25% alcohol for it to be preserved.

Robert Rogers (our mushroom expert) said: Glycerine is too weak for the extraction of triterpenoids (which are usually extracted in alcohol).

I found this mushroom product made with a double extraction (alcohol + water) and glycerine added. See here.
