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Reply To: General questions

Home Forums Online Herbalism Programs General questions Reply To: General questions


Hi Latasha!

Thanks for reaching out. I’m so glad this program is bringing you a sense of comfort and familiarity. It’s lovely to receive notes like this from students.

Here is a link to the all of the assignments. I’ve also included this document in the first unit of your first course, Introduction to Herbal Medicine if you ever need to find it again. Make sure you’re signed in to access this link.

The PRC dispensary isn’t yet open to online students, we’re still getting these systems organized. However, if you’re alumni you may be able to order. You can call the campus to see if this is possible and then they can send you the order form.

Phyto Diploma
Approximately a semester’s worth of courses will transfer to the phyto diploma. These courses will count as elective credits. The following courses will transfer:
-Materia Medica
-Internal and External Medicine Making courses
-Backyard Gardening
-Wild Medicinals Herb Walk
-History, Energetics and Spirit of Plant Medicine

I hope all of this helps! Let me know if any other questions come up. 🙂