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Reply To: Medicine Making | Internal Preparations 

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Hi Deborah! I saw that your questions were previously overlooked and apologies for that. Answers are below:

Vinegars / oxymels
Seraphina suggests the same maceration time for each (minimum of 10 days, and up to 30 days stored in a cool, damp place). I wouldn’t apply heat to the vinegar as raw apple cider vinegar is rich in active probiotics, which could be killed by the heat. However, I don’t think a day or two on a sunny windowsill would harm it too much. Another way to speed up maceration is to get your plant material into as small of pieces as possible, to increase surface area contact with your menstruum.

Have you checked at your local liquor store for Everclear alcohol? It is grain alcohol (95%) that is widely available. I just did some searching for how to apply for a license to purchase high-proof organic cane alcohol in Manitoba and couldn’t find any clear information. However, it may be worth reaching out to this organization with your request:

We don’t have these yet, but we will certainly consider this for the future. Thanks for the suggestion!