Hi Carolyn,
Thank you for your question.
What we are looking for is a herbal formula(s) that you create yourself, using the herbs that you have learned about in this program. You could make up a case study or use a real life example. By doing an exercise like this you make a custom formula, which would include herbs that will address different aspects of the person’s concern.
For example, someone who has stress and anxiety and holds it in their digestion. It causes them to feel tight in the stomach and brings on constipation. In this situation you can create a formula, from herbs taught in the program, that will specifically support the presentation that this person has. Some herbs you might consider here: Chamomile, Lemon Balm, Dandelion root, maybe Valerian, Ginger etc.
Then we would like to know what type of preparation it is. Are the herbs taken as a tea, tincture, syrup? There could also be more than one formula if the preparations warrant it.
I hope this offers some clarity,