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Reply To: Medicine Making | External Preparations 

Home Forums Online Herbalism Programs Medicine Making | External Preparations  Reply To: Medicine Making | External Preparations 

Shawna Scott

Hi Benna, Reference to your reply #128073
Great herb suggestions for the varicose vein salve thank you. I am looking for either ground horse chestnuts, and all I could find from our course resources is a tincture. I may need to work with that. I am very cautious where I buy herbs from.
My questions are do you know a reliable source of organic ground horse chestnut, and I’ve also seen dried horse chestnut leaves/flowers.
Would either the leaves or flowers due? Maybe that would be best to infuse in the oils with the other herbs?
I found both the Horse Chestnut nuts & seeds, and also selling the leaves & flowers from Yet, I have no reference and no personal experience with Bontanic Plant herb supplier either (their website seemed a bit flashy and unprofessional). Who knows?
Let me know if you know of a reliable source for the horse chestnut that will ship to us East coasters?
Are the horse chestnut flowers & leaves fine to infuse medicinally wise also?
I would imagine that I would need to make a tincture with the nuts/seeds.
I apologize for the long winded questions.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you again soon,