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Reply To: Introduction to Herbal Medicine

Home Forums Online Herbalism Programs Introduction to Herbal Medicine Reply To: Introduction to Herbal Medicine


Hi Leigh Anne,

Is this for your Wild Medicinals assignment? I’m just looking to clarify as this is the chat thread for Intro to Herbal Medicine, for which there is no assignment and I just wanted to make sure you weren’t doing extra work.
But also this is a great question. ‘spp.’ just means ‘species’ so it sounds like this textbook has a reference to 3 different species of burdock that are in your local area perhaps and as the title for this section just put Artium spp. to say ‘Artium species’ since there is more than one. Does it mention if any of them are A.lappa within that text? Or does it give the individual species name for each description? I don’t know if all Arctium species can be used interchangeably but I’m sure some can be.

I hope this helps a little bit. If you can identify the type/species of burdock you have found that will be the best place to start.
