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Over 2,000+ quizzes and exam questions in the exact same format as your Pan-Canadian board exams. Find your weak spots and define your study focus.
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*This course is included in the RAc and RTCMP Bootcamp programs!
When preparing for your TCM / Acupuncture board exams, there is no doubt that quizzing and testing is the key to identifying your weaker areas so that you can refine your study focus.
With over 2,000 Acupuncture and Herbal quiz and exam questions, we have all of your subjects covered. In this Bootcamp, run through specific and short quizzes with detailed answer explanations, and test your knowledge in longer practice exams in the exact same format as your new computer-based Pan-Canadian exams. We’ve made these long exams the same length as the real exam and set them to a timer so that you can practice what the real exams will feel like, over and over, and over again.
As you test your knowledge, we suggest that you write down any specific areas that you keep getting wrong, and then go back and re-focus your studies on those subjects. Then, re-quiz until your scores soar! This way you can be sure that you know your stuff so you can enter your exams with confidence!
Enjoy the highest quality online education, from curriculum through to production.
“Amazing! Every piece of information and material was helpful and encouraging. It helped keep me grounded in my work and my schedule.”
Bootcamp Student, Canada
“A friend suggested I join this course. It was wonderful, very helpful, motivating, and I especially found the case studies useful.”
Bootcamp Student, Canada
“Former students said they would not have passed without taking this course. I 100% agree.”
Bootcamp Student, Canada